Frequently asked questions.
Why Ace School?
At Ace School, our academic curriculum stands out for its commitment to fostering a deep understanding of concepts rather than just rote memorization. We prioritize experiential learning, enabling students to engage with the material in a hands-on manner. This approach encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for lifelong learning.
What makes Ace School Unique?
Learning takes repetition. We introduce concepts to your child before they encounter them in school, giving them a significant advantage. By the time the material is presented in class, they'll likely have seen it two or even three times, while their classmates are seeing it for the first time. This repeated exposure fosters deeper understanding and sets them up for greater academic success.
What is spaced repetition?
Spaced repetition is a learning technique that involves reviewing material at increasing intervals of time. It's based on the idea that we forget information more easily when we first learn it but that if we review it at increasing intervals, we can remember it for longer and longer periods of time.
Here's how it works:
Learn the material. This could be anything from a new language to a set of facts for an exam.
Review the material soon after you learn it. This could be a few hours or a day later.
Review the material again after a longer interval. This could be a few days or a week later.
Continue reviewing the material at increasing intervals. The longer you remember the material, the longer you can wait between reviews.
What classes do you offer?
Young Learners
At present, we provide small group classes for students in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. Our aim is to support young learners by helping them develop the essential habits, skills, and concepts needed to thrive in today’s highly competitive academic environment. By incorporating spaced repetition, we ensure that students gain a strong mastery of subjects, allowing them to fully grasp new concepts as they advance.
High Schoolers
We also offer a class in AP Statistics for our High Schoolers. Ideal for those who need help grasping the concepts for the AP class. It can also be helpful for the motivated student who wants to get ahead.